[divider]By K[/divider]

Schwarz/weiß – eine meiner Lieblingsfarbkombis. Weiße bzw. beige Hosen sind normalerweise nicht wirklich meins ABER diese Hose von RIANI ist nicht nur mega, mega bequem sondern auch RICHTIG stylisch!

Gerade durch das Detail, also den schwarzen Streifen auf der Seite ist dieses Statement-Piece nicht zu übersehen. Das Tolle daran ist, man kann es mit wirklich mit allem kombinieren! Bei meinem Besuch im Dezember bei Riani in Schorndorf durfte ich mir zu der Hose auch noch die dazu passende Bluse aussuchen – und Leute ich bin normalerweise nicht so der matchy matchy Typ ABERRRRR in dem Fall find ich den gesamten Look echt nice.



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Mit einem Hut von H&M und meinen Balenciaga Sneakers die ich bereits im Herbst gekauft & noch nie getragen habe (ja ich weiß – aber schaut her – ich trag sie ja eh jetzt) ist der Look komplett.

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Die Clutch von Stella McCartney habe ich übrigens noch zu meiner Zeit in Leipzig mit meinen lieben Freundinnen Alina und Mareile bei TK MAX ergattert. Oh MANN – wie sehr ich den TK vermisse – da kann wirklich keiner in Deutschland mithalten. Und allein dafür müsste ich BALDIGST wiedermal nach Leipzig düsen 😉 .

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Black&White with Riani

[divider]By K[/divider]

Black and White – one of my all time favs.  I usually don’t like wearing beige or white pants – especially scretchy pants – just not my thing. HOWEVER, those RIANI pants are not only comfy but with the cheeky black strip,  really stylish as well.

When I visited the RIANI headquarter in December I got to choose the matching top – and to be honest I´m not really into matchy matchy outfits AT ALL – BUT – looking at the entire look – i must admit it’s definitely a YAY, don’t you think?

[divider]Shop some crazy statement clutch NOW[/divider]


With my H&M hat and my Balenciaga Sneakers (already purchased in fall and never worn – until now  – oooops!) a great look!

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By adding a splash of burgundy with my Stella McCartney clutch I thought I would create another statement piece or eyecatcher. Talking about that bag – i really need to go back to Leipzig soon – found this beauty (aaand  LOT MORE ) at TK MAX back in Leipzig….. so i might have to go back and visit my old home sooner rather than later 🙂 …

Black&White with Riani

[divider]By K[/divider]

Black and White – one of my all time favs.  I usually don’t like wearing beige or white pants – especially scretchy pants – just not my thing. HOWEVER, those RIANI pants are not only comfy but with the cheeky black strip,  really stylish as well.

When I visited the RIANI headquarter in December I got to choose the matching top – and to be honest I´m not really into matchy matchy outfits AT ALL – BUT – looking at the entire look – i must admit it’s definitely a YAY, don’t you think?



[divider]Shop some crazy statement clutch NOW[/divider]


With my H&M hat and my Balenciaga Sneakers (already purchased in fall and never worn – until now  – oooops!) a great look!

[divider]Shop some hats[/divider]

By adding a splash of burgundy with my Stella McCartney clutch I thought I would create another statement piece or eyecatcher. Talking about that bag – i really need to go back to Leipzig soon – found this beauty (aaand  LOT MORE ) at TK MAX back in Leipzig….. so i might have to go back and visit my old home sooner rather than later 🙂 …

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Karin is the founder and the face of Constantly K. Next to her career as host, she travels the world, visits all fashion weeks and keeps you updated about what´s happening – CONSTANTLY!

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