Strahlefrau, Shopaholic, Langschläferin, Kicker-Königin, Fashionista, Do-erin

Die wunderschöne Shanga erfüllt den Raum mit einem Strahlen. Na klar, sie hat vor kurzem ihre große Liebe geheiratet! Sie ist glücklich und fühlt sich wohl! Aber das war bis vor kurzem noch ganz anders… Bis zu ihrem 18ten Lebensjahr war die rassige Schwedin Profisportlerin und kannte das Verb ‘zunehmen’ nicht. Wie es dann aber zur starken Gewichtszunahme kam und sie es nach sage und schreibe vier Jahren geschafft hat, wieder zu ihrer persönlichen Traumfigur zurück zu kehren, verrät sie uns exklusiv in unserem Gespräch!


Shanga, wieso warst du bis zu deinem 18ten Lebensjahr so sportlich? Ich habe Fußball gespielt! Begonnen habe ich mit 5 Jahren und mich bis zur schwedischen Nationalmannschaft hochgearbeitet. Mit 18 kam dann der Schock! Mein Knie war nicht nur angeschlagen – es war hinüber! Ich musste 6 Monate auf meine OP warten und konnte von einen Tag auf den nächsten nichts mehr machen – nicht mal mehr schnell gehen, mein Knie bereitete mir riesige Schmerzen.

Wie war diese Zeit für dich? Dieses halbe Jahr war wirklich schrecklich. Ich wollte um alles in der Welt wieder zurück auf´s Spielfeld aber nach und nach hab ich einfach die Motivation verloren. Fußball war mein Leben und auf einen Schlag hat sich alles geändert. Ich musste mir einen Bürojob suchen, das absolute Kontrastprogramm zu meinem vorherigen Alltag und somit auch der Start in einen Negativkreislauf.

War das Essen für dich also ein Ausdruck der Frustration? Ja, bestimmt. In der Arbeit hatte damals niemand Wert auf gesunde Ernährung gelegt und ich habe einfach die selbe Menge an Essen zu mir genommen, als würde ich Spitzensport betreiben. Das war damals mein Fehler! Ich dachte mir einfach: “Ich kann ohnehin nicht trainieren, also ‘Fuck it’”…


Was geschah nach der Operation? Ja – ich habe meine angeordneten Knieübungen gemacht etc etc.. ABER ich saß immer noch im Büro, ich kam abends müde nach hause, die Motivation kam nicht zurück. Es war, als hätte ich bereits aufgegeben.

Also hast du weiter zugenommen? Genau! Mein absoluter Höhepunkt waren 79 Kilo bei einer Körpergröße von 158 cm und einer Jeansgröße von ca 30.


Wie hat all das deine Beziehung mit Emil beeinflusst? Emil ist unglaublich! Im Nachhinein gesehen, wenn ich auf meine schlimmste Zeit zurück blicke, ist es unfassbar zu wissen, dass er mich, egal in welcher Größe, bedingungslos liebt! Jetzt fang ich gleich an zu heulen… Er hat mich nie anders behandelt. Wir lieben uns einfach so sehr, dass es uns nicht um das Aussehen voneinander geht, sondern um das Innere; die Seele! Er hat mir wirklich NIE einen Vorwurf gemacht, noch hat er jemals mein Gewicht angesprochen oder sonst etwas und das hat mir bestimmt auch extrem geholfen!

Und deine Familie? Klar, meine engsten Verwandten und Freunde haben mich des öfteren darauf angesprochen und gemeint: ‘Hey, trainier’ doch wieder ein wenig.. Ernähr’ dich besser.. etc’. Das Problem ist, dass ich sehr stur bin, und wenn mir jemand versucht etwas vorzuschreiben, bewirkt das bei mir genau das Gegenteil!

I needed to want to do this. If I did it for everyone else, I wouldn´t have succeeded!


Liebe Shanga, was wiegst du heute? 53 Kilo und ich trage die Jeansgröße 24!!!

WOW – Wie hast du DAS geschafft? Es hat mich 4 lange Jahre gekostet um mit dem positiven Lebenswandel anzufangen. In der Zeit habe ich natürlich, wie so viele andere, ALLES versucht. Eine Saftkur, Suppen, JEDE Diät die man sich vorstellen kann… Aber ich hab immer wieder aufgegeben. In diesen Jahren waren wir in Malmö und als ich mit Emil zusammen nach Leipzig ging, sah ich das wie einen neuen Start für MICH! Und dann war plötzlich alles einfach! Und der Heiratsantrag von Emil war dann einfach der letzte Push den ich brauchte um zu starten!

Was denkst du, warum hat es dann endlich geklappt? Ich habe einen gewissen Gedanken transformiert. Es war mir plötzlich egal, wie lange ich brauchen würde, wieder zu meinem sportlichen Körper zu kommen. Ich erlaubte mir und vor allem meinen Körper all die Zeit, die er brauchte. Mein Plan war einfach, Tag für Tag etwas für diese Veränderung zu tun und nichts zu erzwingen!

Just don´t rush it! It´s better to take it slow, have fun and make it last! Find your new lifestyle and continue living like that!

Wie hast du deine Ernährung umgestellt? Am Anfang war ich schon streng. Ich habe versucht Kohlehydrate wegzulassen und wirklich Kalorien zu zählen. Hin und wieder gab´s Kartoffeln aber keinen Reis, keine Pasta, kein Brot! Circa alle zwei Wochen habe ich einen Cheat-Day eingelegt. Man muss einfach an sein Ziel denken, was man erreichen möchte und wenn man das tagtäglich durchzieht, sieht man dann auch schnell Resultate und das motiviert natürlich!


Und jetzt? Jetzt esse ich wieder alles und ich nehme immer noch ein wenig ab. Ich habe natürlich auch einen anderen Workout-Plan als zu Beginn meiner Veränderung.

Und wie hast du wieder mit dem Sport angefangen? Gerade am Anfang kann ich empfehlen, zu trainieren wenn man sich danach fühlt und nicht zu streng mit einem zu sein. Vielleicht 2-3x in der Woche, einfache Power-Walks, das reicht zu Beginn. Fokussiert euch lieber auf eure Ernährung! Es ist nur wichtig, den Stoffwechsel auf Trab zu halten, das ist schon mal die halbe Miete! Jeder gerät einmal in Versuchung, und das kann man dann auch zulassen – wichtig ist nur, wieder back on track zu gelangen und weiterzumachen!

Work out, when you feel like it!

Steigst du auf die Waage? Auf meiner ‘Reise’ hab ich es tatsächlich täglich gemacht aber grundsätzlich empfehle ich das nicht, weil man sich oft in etwas verrannt. Aber ich für mich, brauchte die Fakten / die Zahlen. Jetzt, nachdem ich mein Ziel erreicht habe, brauche ich die Waage nur noch gelegentlich zur Kontrolle ob ich mich noch in meinem ‘Wohlfühl-Bereich’ befinde.

Siehst du eigentlich selbst diese großartige Transformation wenn du in den Spiegel schaust? Ja, mittlerweile sehe ich schon die Veränderung. Zu Beginn sind mir die 10 Kilo nicht wirklich aufgefallen. Das war aber auch dasselbe mit mir, als ich damals zugenommen haben. Im Spiegel hab ich das NIE gesehen – ich vertraue diesen Dingern einfach nicht!! Auf Bildern wurde es mir dann eher bewusst. Als ich so stark zugenommen habe, begriff ich erst auf den Fotos, wie ich wirklich aussah!

How can you love somebody else, when you don´t love yourself? – You have to start with yourself!

Und wie fühlst du dich heute? Nun, es ist nicht so, dass ich davor unglücklich war – auf keinen Fall. Ich war glücklich – mit Emil, mit meinem Leben! Du bist hald einfach gewissermaßen gefangen in deinem Körper aber das schaltest du einfach weg. Aber jetzt, seit dem ich mich gut fühle und endlich glücklich mit MIR bin, ist das Leben noch ein Stück schöner geworden!! Ich habe mir einfach selbst bewiesen, dass man es schaffen kann und alles andere nur Ausreden waren, und darauf bin ich stolz.


Was möchtest du unseren Lesern sagen? Auch wenn man gehandicapped ist, es gibt IMMER eine Möglichkeit sich zu bewegen. Und wenn man sich bei langsamer Stufe im Fitnessstudio auf´s Rad sitzt – auch wenn´s langweilig ist – es geht. Und natürlich muss man auf die Ernährung achten!! Diese Reise war einfach so wertvoll! Du verfolgst ein Ziel und kannst am Ende garnicht begreifen, dass DU das alles erreicht hast! Du bist stolz auf dich und es ist einfach das schönste Gefühl, wenn du endlich auf DICH schaust und deinem Körper das gibst, was er eigentlich braucht!

Was möchtest du unseren Lesern empfehlen? Macht Sport regelmäßig aber in dem Ausmaß, in dem es euch Spaß macht – es wird sich von selbst steigern desto länger ihr diese Reise mit euren Körper macht! Esst zu Beginn wenig Kohlehydrate und zählt eure Kalorien – ich spreche hier nicht vom Hungern sondern davon, bewusst mit Nahrungsmitteln umzugehen! Am Besten, ihr kocht euch eure eigenen gesunden Mahlzeiten frisch oder vor!

Don´t be too strict with yourself. Just move, eat well & be happy – Then everything will work out!

Du hast in dieser kurzen Zeit dein ganzes Leben umgekrempelt – Was siehst du für dich in der Zukunft? Tatsächliche denke ich daran eine Ausbildung zu machen als Personal Trainer. Weil ich jetzt wirklich weiß, wie es funktioniert, um was es geht und auch wie es sich anfühlt mit einer schweren Verletzung umzugehen. Der größte Teil bei so einer Veränderung ist sicherlich der mentale Aspekt! Das sind jetzt mal so die ersten Gedanken – seid gespannt 😉 .


Wir sind begeistert von dieser Transformation. Shanga hat es geschafft sich von den typischen Gedanken ‘Ich möchte dünn sein’ zu lösen und sich selbst und ihren Körper wieder richtig kennen und lieben gelernt. Das war für sie der Start in ein gesundes und noch glücklicheres Leben und plötzlich ging auch alles einfach und fast wie von selbst! Mit einem Neustart hat sie wieder zu sich selbst gefunden und das ist doch einfach nur schön! DANKE liebe Shanga für unser Gespräch, wir sind gespannt was die Zukunft für dich bringt 🙂 .

[divider]K´s Worte[/divider]

Ich kann nur eines sagen – ich bin überaus stolz!! Shanga hat damals, als ich sie in Leipzig kennen gelernt hat zu einem Teil mit mir trainiert. Sie hat immer alles gegeben und ist WIRKLICH konstant bei der Sache geblieben. Wie toll, so eine großartige Veränderung zu sehen!! Und um es noch auf den Punkt zu bringen, hier geht´s NICHT ums abmagern, sondern um einen gesunden Umgang mit deinem Körper und einer bewussten Ernährung! Ich bin einfach happy!!


[divider]SHANGAS EASY RECIPE[/divider]

You just need 1 banana & 1 egg
Smash the banana and mix the egg with it after.
Fry it for a few minutes on each side and serve with cottage cheese and whatever berries you like. Enjoy it!



[divider]English Version[/divider]



Happy Girl, Late Riser, Soccer Ace, Fashionista, Doer

When Shanga enters a room, she spreads pure love and happiness. Well, of course.. She´s married to the love of her life. She´s happy and loves herself. However, that was not the case until lately… until the age of 18, the hot-blooded Swedish girl used to be pro soccer player and didn´t have to worry about weight at all… How that all changed and led to an unhealthy weight increase and how she managed, after four long years, to find the way back into a healthy balance of her body&soul, she will tell us exclusively in our interview!

Shanga, how were you so sporty until the age of 18? I played soccer! I started playing at the age of 5 and worked my way up to the Swedish national team. Then, half a year after my 18th birthday, it suddenly all changed! I can´t even say- I just hurt my knee – it was completely damaged! Overnight I couldn´t do ANYTHING at all – I couldn´t even walk fast because it hurt so much. And I had to wait 6 (!) months for the surgery!

How was that time for you? Especially those 6 months have been awful. More than anything in the world, I just wanted to get back on the soccer field but little by little I lost all my motivation. Soccer was my life and in one stroke it all changed. I had to work in an office, which was the total opposite of my everyday life I used to know, and that was the start of a vicious circle.

So food was basically the expression of your frustration? Yeah, pretty much! In the office where I worked, no one cared about a healthy diet and I just continued eating the same amount of food I used to eat when I was a professional soccer player and that was one of the big mistakes I made! I just thought.. I can´t go to training so fuck it! …

What happened after the surgery? Yes – I did my prescribed exercise for my knee etc etc… BUT I was still working in the office. I came home tired every day and my motivation just didn´t come back. It was as if I had already given up.

So you kept on gaining weight? Exactly! My absolute peak were 79 kilos at a height of 158 cm and jeans size 30.

How did all that influence your relationship with Emil? Emil is amazing! Looking back at it now, it´s just incredible that he loved me, no matter what size I was, unconditionally! I´m almost starting to cry now.. He never treated me any differently. We love each other so much, it´s not about our looks, it´s about our personalities; our souls! He just NEVER commented on my weight at all, nor did he blame me for anything. That constant support sure helped me a lot!

And your family? Of course, my family and closest friends tried to intervene a couple of times by telling me that I should start working out or eating healthier again. But since I´m a super stubborn person, this caused more of a problem than it was helpful. Because if someone told me what I had to do, I would do the exact opposite of that!

I needed to want to do this. If I did it for everyone else, I wouldn´t have succeeded!

Shanga, what´s your size today? I weigh 53 kilos and wear a jeans size 24!!!

WOW – How did you DO that? Well, it took me 4 long years till I started heading my life back towards a healthier lifestyle. In that time I tried, as so many of us, EVERYTHING I could think of… Juice Cleanses, eating soup, EVERY diet one can think of – and I always failed! All those things happened when we lived in Malmö. So when Emil and I moved to Leipzig I used this opportunity as a new start for MYSELF! And then suddenly, it was so easy! And I think the proposal of Emil was the last push I needed to start!

Why do you think it worked out this time? I transformed one single thought. I suddenly didn´t care about the time I needed for this journey. My plan was to simply work on my goal on a day to day basis and not to force anything!

Just don´t rush it! It´s better to take it slow, have fun and make it last! Find your new lifestyle and continue living like that!

How did you change your diet? In the beginning I was quite strict with myself. I didn´t eat any carbs and started counting calories. Sometimes I ate potatoes or porridge but no rice, no pasta, no bread, but I had a cheat-day every two weeks. You just have to concentrate on your goal and what you want to achieve. If you manage to work on that every single day you start seeing results pretty fast and this keeps you motivated to go on!

And now? Now I can eat everything again and still I am losing a little weight. That´s also because I changed my workout plan accordingly.

And how did you get back on track with sports? Especially in the beginning I recommend to work out whenever you feel like it and not to be too strict with yourself. Go and have little power walks two or three times a week in the beginning. Just really focus on your diet first! Of course, it´s important to keep the metabolism up but give yourself time – it´s just important to get back to working out if you have a little bit of a down period and keep on going!

Work out when you feel like it!

Do you use the scale? During my real weight loss I really used the scale every day. I don´t recommend it, because you can get lost in the numbers. But me personally, I needed the facts! Now, as I reached my goal, occasionally I step on the scale just to make sure I´m still in my ‘range’.

When you look into the mirror, do you see this huge transformation? Yes, now I can see it. In the beginning, when I lost my first 10 kilos, I couldn´t really see anything. But that was also the same back then when I gained 10 kilos. By looking into the mirror, I just couldn´t see any difference – I really don´t trust mirrors!! It became clear to me, when I was looking at photos of myself!

How can you love somebody else, when you don´t love yourself? – You have to start with yourself!

How do you feel today? Well, first of all it´s not that I wasn´t happy before! I was already super happy – with Emil, with my life in general! I was just trapped in my body and those thoughts and I just suppressed those feelings. Now, since I’m really happy with MYSELF, life become even better!! I just showed myself that I can do it and everything before that were excuses and therefore I´m just proud!

‘You can, everyone can!’

What do you wanna tell our readers? Even though you are handicapped, you will ALWAYS find a way to move somehow. And if you are sitting on the bike in the gym on a slow path – even though it´s boring – it works! And of course one has to pay attention to their diet!! This journey in general was so precious! You follow a goal and in the end you can´t even realise that YOU yourself have achieved all that! You´re proud and it´s just a great feeling to take care of yourself and your body!

What´s your advice to our readers? Work out consistently but within the range where you still have fun and enjoy sports. The amount of work outs you are doing will increase naturally the longer you´re doing it! In the beginning I would suggest you  to eat little carbs and count your calories – I don´t wanna make a shout out for people to starve but instead to eat healthier and learn to use foods consciously! The best thing to do is cooking and / or preparing your own fresh meals at home!

Don´t be too strict with yourself. Just move, eat well & be happy – Then everything will work out!

You managed to change your life in such a short amount of time – Where do you see yourself in the future? After everything I recently accomplished, I will be a personal trainer. Now I really know how it works, what it´s all about and also how it feels to deal with injuries. The mental aspect is for sure one of the most important parts one has to consider when pursuing a goal!.. Well, that´s just one thought for my future – stay tuned 😉 .

[divider]K´s Words[/divider]

I can just say ONE thing – I am so proud!! Back when i met Shanga in Leipzig she started working out with me. She always gave 100% and stuck to her programme constantly! How amazing, to see this transformation!! And just to break it down one more time, we are NOT talking about getting super skinny and wearing size zero, we are talking about a healthy way to move and treat your body and a healthy diet! I am just super happy!!

We are stoked by this amazing transformation. Shanga managed to get rid of the thought that many girls have ‘I wanna be thin’ and started loving herself and her body again. For her it was the start into a healthier and even happier life and suddenly everything was easy! With a new start she found the way back to herself, isn´t that just wonderful! THANKS Shanga for our talk, we are excited to see what the future holds for you 🙂 .


From the Heart: Shanga Forsberg


Happy Girl, Late Riser, Soccer Ace, Fashionista, Doer

When Shanga enters a room, she spreads pure love and happiness. Well, of course.. She´s married to the love of her life. She´s happy and loves herself. However, that was not the case until lately… until the age of 18, the hot-blooded Swedish girl used to be pro soccer player and didn´t have to worry about weight at all… How that all changed and led to an unhealthy weight increase and how she managed, after four long years, to find the way back into a healthy balance of her body&soul, she will tell us exclusively in our interview!


Shanga, how were you so sporty until the age of 18? I played soccer! I started playing at the age of 5 and worked my way up to the Swedish national team. Then, half a year after my 18th birthday, it suddenly all changed! I can´t even say- I just hurt my knee – it was completely damaged! Overnight I couldn´t do ANYTHING at all – I couldn´t even walk fast because it hurt so much. And I had to wait 6 (!) months for the surgery!

How was that time for you? Especially those 6 months have been awful. More than anything in the world, I just wanted to get back on the soccer field but little by little I lost all my motivation. Soccer was my life and in one stroke it all changed. I had to work in an office, which was the total opposite of my everyday life I used to know, and that was the start of a vicious circle.

So food was basically the expression of your frustration? Yeah, pretty much! In the office where I worked, no one cared about a healthy diet and I just continued eating the same amount of food I used to eat when I was a professional soccer player and that was one of the big mistakes I made! I just thought.. I can´t go to training so fuck it! …


What happened after the surgery? Yes – I did my prescribed exercise for my knee etc etc… BUT I was still working in the office. I came home tired every day and my motivation just didn´t come back. It was as if I had already given up.

So you kept on gaining weight? Exactly! My absolute peak were 79 kilos at a height of 158 cm and jeans size 30.


How did all that influence your relationship with Emil? Emil is amazing! Looking back at it now, it´s just incredible that he loved me, no matter what size I was, unconditionally! I´m almost starting to cry now.. He never treated me any differently. We love each other so much, it´s not about our looks, it´s about our personalities; our souls! He just NEVER commented on my weight at all, nor did he blame me for anything. That constant support sure helped me a lot!

And your family? Of course, my family and closest friends tried to intervene a couple of times by telling me that I should start working out or eating healthier again. But since I´m a super stubborn person, this caused more of a problem than it was helpful. Because if someone told me what I had to do, I would do the exact opposite of that!

I needed to want to do this. If I did it for everyone else, I wouldn´t have succeeded!


Shanga, what´s your size today? I weigh 53 kilos and wear a jeans size 24!!!

WOW – How did you DO that? Well, it took me 4 long years till I started heading my life back towards a healthier lifestyle. In that time I tried, as so many of us, EVERYTHING I could think of… Juice Cleanses, eating soup, EVERY diet one can think of – and I always failed! All those things happened when we lived in Malmö. So when Emil and I moved to Leipzig I used this opportunity as a new start for MYSELF! And then suddenly, it was so easy! And I think the proposal of Emil was the last push I needed to start!

Why do you think it worked out this time? I transformed one single thought. I suddenly didn´t care about the time I needed for this journey. My plan was to simply work on my goal on a day to day basis and not to force anything!

Just don´t rush it! It´s better to take it slow, have fun and make it last! Find your new lifestyle and continue living like that!

How did you change your diet? In the beginning I was quite strict with myself. I didn´t eat any carbs and started counting calories. Sometimes I ate potatoes or porridge but no rice, no pasta, no bread, but I had a cheat-day every two weeks. You just have to concentrate on your goal and what you want to achieve. If you manage to work on that every single day you start seeing results pretty fast and this keeps you motivated to go on!


And now? Now I can eat everything again and still I am losing a little weight. That´s also because I changed my workout plan accordingly.

And how did you get back on track with sports? Especially in the beginning I recommend to work out whenever you feel like it and not to be too strict with yourself. Go and have little power walks two or three times a week in the beginning. Just really focus on your diet first! Of course, it´s important to keep the metabolism up but give yourself time – it´s just important to get back to working out if you have a little bit of a down period and keep on going!

Work out, when you feel like it!

Do you use the scale? During my real weight loss I really used the scale every day. I don´t recommend it, because you can get lost in the numbers. But me personally, I needed the facts! Now, as I reached my goal, occasionally I step on the scale just to make sure I´m still in my ‘range’.

When you look into the mirror, do you see this huge transformation? Yes, now I can see it. In the beginning, when I lost my first 10 kilos, I couldn´t really see anything. But that was also the same back then when I gained 10 kilos. By looking into the mirror, I just couldn´t see any difference – I really don´t trust mirrors!! It became clear to me, when I was looking at photos of myself!

How can you love somebody else, when you don´t love yourself? – You have to start with yourself!

How do you feel today? Well, first of all it´s not that I wasn´t happy before! I was already super happy – with Emil, with my life in general! I was just trapped in my body and those thoughts and I just suppressed those feelings. Now, since I’m really happy with MYSELF, life become even better!! I just showed myself that I can do it and everything before that were excuses and therefore I´m just proud!


What do you wanna tell our readers? Even though you are handicapped, you will ALWAYS find a way to move somehow. And if you are sitting on the bike in the gym on a slow path – even though it´s boring – it works! And of course one has to pay attention to their diet!! This journey in general was so precious! You follow a goal and in the end you can´t even realise that YOU yourself have achieved all that! You´re proud and it´s just a great feeling to take care of yourself and your body!

What´s your advice to our readers? Work out consistently but within the range where you still have fun and enjoy sports. The amount of work outs you are doing will increase naturally the longer you´re doing it! In the beginning I would suggest you  to eat little carbs and count your calories – I don´t wanna make a shout out for people to starve but instead to eat healthier and learn to use foods consciously! The best thing to do is cooking and / or preparing your own fresh meals at home!

Don´t be too strict with yourself. Just move, eat well & be happy – Then everything will work out!

You managed to change your life in such a short amount of time – Where do you see yourself in the future? After everything I recently accomplished, I will be a personal trainer. Now I really know how it works, what it´s all about and also how it feels to deal with injuries. The mental aspect is for sure one of the most important parts one has to consider when pursuing a goal!.. Well, that´s just one thought for my future – stay tuned 😉 .


We are stoked by this amazing transformation. Shanga managed to get rid of the thought that many girls have ‘I wanna be thin’ and started loving herself and her body again. For her it was the start into a healthier and even happier life and suddenly everything was easy! With a new start she found the way back to herself, isn´t that just wonderful! THANKS Shanga for our talk, we are excited to see what the future holds for you 🙂 .

[divider]K´s Worte[/divider]

I can just say ONE thing – I am so proud!! Back when i met Shanga in Leipzig she started working out with me. She always gave 100% and stuck to her programme constantly! How amazing, to see this transformation!! And just to break it down one more time, we are NOT talking about getting super skinny and wearing size zero, we are talking about a healthy way to move and treat your body and a healthy diet! I am just super happy!!

[divider]SHANGAS EASY RECIPE[/divider]

You just need 1 banana & 1 egg
Smash the banana and mix the egg with it after.
Fry it for a few minutes on each side and serve with cottage cheese and whatever berries you like. Enjoy it! 


Karin is the founder and the face of Constantly K. Next to her career as host, she travels the world, visits all fashion weeks and keeps you updated about what´s happening – CONSTANTLY!

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